Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Thought-Full Christian

April 2, 2014. Inaugural post. "A man should start writing as soon as he can, for if he waits too long, he may find that he can do justice neither to his observation nor his expression." (Samuel Johnson) I have thought, dreamed, and dabbled with the idea of a blog for a long time. Now is the time - and not soon enough - to put away the fantasy of a perfect production, and do the hard work of imperfectly writing what should be written.

"A man must have some means of standing up under all the weight of his learning, or it will topple him." (Cardinal Newman) Writing is, for me, the means of making sense of all that I have learned or read. Reading is an exercise in another man's thought; writing is working out one's own thoughts. I've read enough books - now I need to start thinking about what I've read, and that means writing.

Thought-Full Christian.  A Christian who thinks and is therefore full of thoughts. I hope that some of them, and even many of them, will be food for my readers' thought. In this way I want to give something back to the body of Christ, the members of which have given so much to me.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, the worker labors in vain." (Proverbs) My prayer is that the Lord will establish and use this blog for His holy means and ends. We serve an awesome, incredible, thoughtful God.

1 comment:

  1. So true John. I like the spin on thought-full. I cant wait to read what else you will put on here.

    Your kind hearted nature that always thinks of others inspires me and causes me to think of Jesus...and I see Him in you all the time. I'm glad we are fighting as warriors on the same side.
